
Maister Echart and Mysticism

                              Maister Echart and Mysticism

          Maister Echart is representative of Christian mysticizm. Born about 1260 a.c. in Germany as Echart von Johannes Eckhart O.P. (12601328), also known as Eckhart von Hochheim and widely referred to as Meister Eckhart, was a German theologian, philosopher and mystic, born near Erfurt, in Thuringia. Meister is German for "Master", referring to the academic title he obtained in Paris. Coming into prominence during the decadent Avignon Papacy and a time of increased tensions between the Franciscans and Eckhart's Dominican Order of Preacher Friars, he was brought up on charges later in life before the local Franciscan led Inquisition. Tried as a heretic by Pope John XXII, his "Defense" is famous for his reasoned arguments to all challenged articles of his writing and his refutation of heretical intent. He purportedly died before his verdict was received, although no record of his death or burial site has ever been discovered. Well known for his work with pious lay groups such as the Friends of God and succeeded by his more circumspect disciples of John Tauler and Henry Suso, he has gained a large following in recent years. In his study of medieval humanism, Richard Southern includes him along with Bede and Saint Anselm as emblematic of the intellectual spirit of the late Middle AGE.
          Very long time it was considered that philosophy is just privileges of manhood moreover Maister Echart have had give lectures also in monasteries witch was for the members of womanhoods priest monks. He usually preaches on German language in aim to give courage to Germans woman’s that has devoted them life to God. On this occasions he use his very interesting and poetic vocabulary enriched by his Ideas inspired by mystics. He makes great influence on the school of German mystic philosophy but that was underestimated. To day no body knows, actually where is located his tomb either date of his death.
          When I first read as student ceremons of Maister Echart they impressed my profoundly, for I never expected that any Christian thinker ancient or modern could or would cherish such daring thoughts as expressed in those sermons. The Ideas expounded there closely approached Buddhist thoughts, so closely indeed, that one could stamp them almost definitely as coming of Buddhist speculations. Moreover Echart was as I am understood extraordinary “CHRISTIAN.”He stands on his own experiences, which emerged, from rich, deep religious personality. He tries to give an ‘esoteric’ or inner meaning to them, and by so doing he enters, fields were not touched by most of his historical predecessors.
          He quotes a sentence from Ecclesisasticus:”In his days he pleased God and found just”.”There are more days than one.” – “There is the soul’s day and God’s day. A day, seven or six, or more than six thousand years ago, is just present as yesterday.” Why? Because all time is contained in the present NOW MOMENT”~WHAT WE CALL CARPE DIEM?” BY HIS OPINION TIME COMES OF THE REVOLUTION OF THE HEAVENS and day begins with this first revolution the soul’s day are different. In neutral day, the soul knows all things above time and place; nothing is far or near. That is why I say, this day all things are of equal rank. God makes all things in the present now as present and as near to God as this very instant. The soul who is present now bears his one – begotten Son and that same birth the soul is born back into God.
          Echecrats God is not alike nothing at all like the God conceived by most Religious Christians. God is not in time mathematically enumerable. His creativity is not historical, not accidental, and not at all measurable. It goes on continuously without cessation with any beginning, with no end. It is not event of yesterday or today or tomorrow, it comes out of timelessness’, or nothingness’, of Absolutes Void. God’s work is always done in absolute present, in timeless ‘now which is time and place in itself’. The Idea of creating the world out of nothing, in absolute present, and therefore altogether beyond the control of serial time concept will not sound strange to Buddhist ears.
ECHART’S EXPERIENCE ARE DEEPLY, abundantly rooted in Good as being which is being and non-being: he sees in the ‘meanest’ thing among the God’s creatures all the glorious of his is-ness.
“God’s characteristic is being. The philosopher says one creature is able to give another life. For in being, mere being, and lies all that is at all. Being is the first name. Our whole life ought to be being. As far as our life is being, so far is it in God.
          Mystical philosophy is one sort of experience, in which you have to run one great voyage; on this roadman has have experienced everything what he is survived in touch with life out and inner. It is not abstract movement; it is realistic truthful road through life. By Echart, man feels something in his soul, this light is God. God is everywhere, as I have understood his philosophy. God is in very human being!
          Most human though is that when man makes God, he put in his soul his equal, his active, everlasting masterpiece. God is in man’s Soul,    -God’s self-love which contains his love for whole world as universal Enlighten in Buddhism. God is blessed by his work  on the soul’s ; he departed himself moreover he love himself in his Creature’s as his own nature, being and Godhead, and in the love he has for him self loves all creatures, not as creatures but as God. THE GOD BEARS HIMSELF CONTAINS HIS LOVE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD.
          By all means Echart spooked about man universal craving for the love- he says- “ “Could you see with my hearth you would understand my words, but it is true, for the truth itself has said it “
          This sort of tough witch is far from theology is very close to the human beings as creatures of God. God is not alienated from them he is part of humans. He gives; he is cherished and love humanity. God of Echart is not God of Church. This Universal Being is GOD of absolutes blessed by Universal who created this world. However, Echart teachings as MYSTIC AND GERMAN PHILOSPHER give to us new point of understanding. of Christianity.
By all means if we seriously take this words we are annihilated what says Nitche:”God is died.” – On the beginning of XX century. Fact that this world is drowned and swallowed by modern culture, civilizations and heir’s extra results. Wars, miserability, daises, lost of love, alienation, selfishness, and new cults of golden donkey – money. Echart philosophy is gift for hour’s souls. We need God of Love~ we are needed mutual understanding about that all Human Beings are part of God and God is in them. So that we should love and cherish as neighboring moreover people who are far away from us. Why? Because they all part of this TAO~CIRKLE~MOTHER EARTH~LOGOS.
Christ day for us; nevertheless remembers that very day somewhere in some unknown place on this Earth died man as beloved Son of God. This is not just Idea of Dostoyevsky this is Universal fact. Try to find explanations in yourself; Maister Echart was my inspiration for to day.
When I am pray, this is for very being on this world, for very human being, because everything is MOST IMPORTANT part of eternal mosaic of the LOGOS.

ANJA*philospher on duty!

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