Приказивање постова са ознаком pleasure. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком pleasure. Прикажи све постове


It might be thought that if one gets rid of all emotions, one will become as  torpid and unresponsive as a log. But this is completely false. When the mind is free , it is lucid and free. 
Completely in peace and free from worries, disturbing emotions, has acute perception of others suffering and the law on the cause and effect; he feels them as keenly as if he had hair in his eye. He has a much finer sense of judgment and wider compassion.
People might say that if you don't express emotion it might lead to unhealthy states of mind. But emotions sometime could be expressed in many different ways. We should use intelligence . We don't have to repress our emotions us love, anger, happiness, fire, but we should control them..
Exactly we should avoid this fire from the fire..But how?
Deep sense of fulfilment ,  does not depend of the time, location or objects. It is is state of mind that grows the more one experience it. It is different from pleasure in almost every way.
Actually for what we are seeking all life?
To depart ourselves from the influence of the destructive emotions is the kind of inner stability, clarity, and fulfillment that we are referring to here as happiness.
So have a nice week