FEEL IT.., so should you and so I heedn't tell you what you I want, feel or
need. You should be closely enough attuned to me to sense it and so to act it
without word of it.
Buber Martin, austrian philosopher in his
book *1937, on a philosophy and relationbship *or "I and Thoy in anglo
saxon style@, is a special bound, anattuned closeness that is often / but of
cource not always - formed between couple, friends, parent-child,,etc. In
German, France, Russain, Serbian languages word '
''DU''/''TI''-"ТЕБЈА"--< THE FORM OF YOU that Buber
used / DU is the most ultimate, the word whcih freinds and lovers use between
..It is intimate word..between two of them..Such words it not exist in anglo
saxon english..
For Buber who was a mystic and philosopher ''YOU''have a
transcedental meaning..for the mortals..The human relation ship with divine is
the I-You connection that can be indefininitely sustained , as the
ultimate ideal for imperfect humanity..
Language is source for missunderstanding but for sometimes it
could be great connection between two people..
n.b. Sometimes slovenian languages express ..lot of
things..People are so different..in some sense..
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