
Dreams are not FAIRY..TO BE BORN RE BORN

In thinking of this dream I have been distinct feeling that I did not have to where I was at all but have chosen a comfortable walk paved streets. I had gone to the squalid and muddy district because I preferred adventure, and, having begun, I had to go on. When I think of how persistently I kept going straight ahead in the dream , it seems to me as thought I must have known there was something fine ahead, like the lovely, grassy river and the secure high , paved road beyond . Thinking of it on those terms, it is like a determination to be born - or rather  - or rather to be born again - in sort of spiritual sense. Perhaps a some of us have to through dark and devious ways before we can find the river of peace or the highroad to the<soul's destination. 
What which we experience in dreams, if we experience it often, is it  in the end just as much a part of total of our soul as is anything we really experience: we are by virtue of it richer or poorer, feel one need more fewer, and finally are led along the a little in broad daylight and heaven in most cheerful moments of our waking spirit by the habits of our dreams. Suppose someone has often flown in his dreams and finally as soon as he start s dreaming becomes conscious of a power of art and art of flaying as if it were privilege he posses-ed, likewise as his personal and enviable form of happiness; such a man as believes he can real ye any arc and angle with slightest impulse, as  knows the feeling of a certain divine frivolity, aging up without tension or constraint, a going down without condescension or abasement without gravity! Why should the man who know such dreams and dream habits at last that the word happiness had a different color and definition  in his ours waking hours too! How should he not have a different desire for happiness? Soaring rapture as the poets describe it must seem to him, in comparison with this flaying, to earthy, muscular, and violent, to grave.



Tonight Jewish kids will light the menorah, spin their derides and get their present, but Hanukkah is the most adult of holidays. It commemorates an event in which the good guys did horrible things; the bad guys did good things and which everybody is flummoxed by insoluble conflicts that remain with us today. It's a holiday that accurately reflects how politics is, how history is, how life is. It's begins with spread of Greek culture. Alexander Empire and the smaller Empires that succeeded it brought modernizing the ideas and institutions to the Middle East. As it is best, Hellenistic culture emphasized the power of reason and the power of individuality/conscience! It raised living standards, especially in places like Jerusalem.
The Greeks had one central
idée> Creation of Universal Culture; the Jewish had their own central fix idea; the idea of one true God. The reformation began!
Urbane Jews assimilated parts of Greek culture into their own, taking Greek names like Jason, etc. and prospering in some of Greek institutions. Not all Jews assimilated. Some resisted quietly. Others flied to the hills. But
Jerusalem did well. The Seleucid dynasty, which had political control over this area, was not merely tolerant; it used imperial money to help promotion of the different religions within its sphere. In 167 b.c. Seleucid king Antiochus IV, issued a series of decrees defiling the temple, confiscating wealth and banning Jewish practice, under death penalty. It's not clear why he did this? Some historians believe that extremist Jewish reformers were in control and were hoping to wipe out what they saw as the primitive remnants of their faith. Others believe Antiochus thought the Jews were disloyal fifth columnist in his struggle against the Egyptians and, hence was hoping to assimilate into this nation. Regardless, those who refuse to eat poor were killed in early case of pure martyrdom. But Jews very slow on those times to make same uprising/revolt! The cultural pressure on Jewish practice had been mounting; it was only when it hit an insane political level that Jewish traditionalist took up arms. When they did, the first person they killed was a fellow Jew. In the town of Modin, a Jew who has attempting to perform a sacrifice on a New Greek altar was slaughtered by Mattathias, the old head of priestly family. Mattathias's five sons, led by Judah Maccabeus, and then led an insurgent revolt against the regime. The Jewish war raised questions; who is Jew? Who gets to define the right level of observance? It also created spiritual crises. This was not a battle between tribes. It was a battle between theologies and threw up all sorts of issues about why bad things happen to faithful believers and what happens in the afterlife / issues that would reverberate in the region for centuries, to epic effect. The Maccabeus is best understood as moderate fanatics. They were not reveling to in total against Greek culture, moreover they use GREEK LANGUAGE!? THEY CREATED A FESTIVAL TO COMMEMORATE THEIR TRIUMPH (which is part of Greek, not Jewish culture). Before long, they were electing their priest. 
Jews were fighting heroically for their traditions and the survival of their faith. If they found
uncircumcised Jews, they preformed forced circumcisions. They had no interest in religious liberty within the Jews and their inner community, so issue has been that religion was a collective choice.As burst of anger they retook Jerusalem in 164 B.C. and redicated the temple.Generations of Sunday school have turned Hanukkah into story on unIfied Jewish bravery agains Anti / Semitic Hellenic Empire. Settlers in the West Bank tell it as a story of how the Jewish hard core defeated the corrupt, assimilated Jewish masses. Rabbis later added the lamp miracle to give a God at least a bit part in the proceedings. But there is no erasing the complex ironies of the evens, the way progress, heroism and brutality weave through all sides. The Maccabaeus heroically preserved Jewish faith/or Jewish national SELF IDENTITY.


Scizofrenie uma

Stvari nisu inakve kakve kakve jesu već onakve kao mi želimo da ih vidimo. Dakle, fenomenalno se uvek razlikuje od noumenalnog. Dakle ako je Magrit naslikao Klavir  on je hteo da kaže aaaaaa; a šta. Razmišljaj, pogađaj, jer slika je oslikana u racionalističkom maniru .Savršeno simetrična kao što je i Gospodin Hegel otišao na odmor ili Ljubavnici:


Ajde da kažemo ljubav je slepa a klavir je predmet koji izaziva niz asocijacija kao i jaje i ’’Zov krvi’’ šta se krije iza slike da li to mene poziva Haimat ili moja blood line – genetski kod, misao, predmet iz podsvesti, snovi, čaša ispunjena kristalnim vazduhoma sve se skriva u Lažnom ogledalu. Najviše mi se sviđa da budem Alisa u zemlji čuda, kao u onoj sjajnoj slici Magrita koju je pisao matematičar alijas Luis Gospodin psihoanalitičar me gleda i priča a ja mogu da ga lažem a da ljudi zure u sobu, zaveden na stranputicu. Ne vredu mu mudrost ni diploma pa ni doktorat – kaine saznanje – zato što sam ja Veliki Manipulator – folirant. Jer kao što neko reče:’’Nikad ne verujte filozofima oni su veliki opsenari’’ – duha. Jer onaj koji ima saznaje taj ima moć ne onaj ko ima pare već onaj koji prepoznaje, ima treće oko a sve se krije iza treće maske. Seducer: i Empire of lite, imaju toliko sličnosti jer ih vezuje moć zavođenja.
A na kraju dragi moji ostaju samo Memories..


Mr.Hegel is on Holiday say's MAGRRITE

Gospodin Hegel je na Odmoru
Kaže Rene Magrit

            Gospodin profesor je na odmoru i ostavio sveukupni humanum da razmisli šta je hteo da kaže? Magrit ili Hegel? Podjednako sistematični, dosledni i  i uporni u razvijanju svoje fenomenologije sveta. Naravno da današnji svet ne bi mogao bez Hegela pa nam je stoga i ostavio punu čašu, bistre bode, veoma krhku, i gotovo da čovek poželi da se napije vode. Hegelov sistem je zastupljen na tri nivoa i po horizontali i po vertikali, neprotivrečan je i koherentan. Uz to sastoji se onog čuvenog teza – sinteza – antiteza, što bi trebalo da bude i suština njegovog sistema.
            Ako pažljivije pogledamo, slika se sastoji iz tri elementa: čaše, ambrela i drške kišobrana ako bi se jedan od tih elemenata uklonio celokupni sistem bi se urušio u ružičastu pozadinu; koja je gotovo simetrično podeljena na 4 dela. Da li bi to valjalo za sveukupno čovečanstvo koje je zasnovano na ovako krhkoj ravnoteži, tako – reći oslonjeno o  pozadinu, okačeno u vazduhu. Jer ako je Hegel, pisao nauku o biću Ontologiju – Logiku – nauku o biću koju je ovde Magrit ostavio da visi o koncu  čaši vode – personifikaciji Uma.. Mene cela priča asocira na to da je profesor otišao jednom zasvagda a da je taj profesor sam Bog lično i ostavio Ambrel da visi nepodnošljivo u vazduhu. Ako bude poremećena i jedna strana il bilo koji elemenat u slici sveta, urušiće se sistem. A čaša me asocira na Logos, jer na kraju Hegelovog sistema je Logos, vrhunac sistema – samosvest sjedinjena u jedinstvu subjektivnog i objektivnog.
            Dakle, to je moja asocijacija povezana sa Hegelovom fenomenologijom Duha.
Jer ipak na početku beše logoi,(reč)- Evandjelje apostola Ivana. Dakle bivstvujuće zavisi od uma čoveka i njegovie samosvesti.
            Kako je celokupan sistem Hegela apstraktan tako je i ova fenomenologija ili Magritovog razmišljanja zagonetna ali jasno je da ceo sistem likovno drži simetrija i crtež. A odsutvo čoveka je možda upozorenje na njegov nihilizam koji je surealistički.