
About Kama Sutra in short

 Vidim da je neko pretraživao moj blog u nadi da će pronaći nešto o mojim saznanjima o najstarijoj veštini vodjenja ljubavi na svetu koju su skonatali Indusi ; ali na žalost moja saznanja su teorijske prirode jer :))Moje vidjenje seksualnosti se svodi na ono što sam naučila vodeći ljubav sa mojim beloved te ja kao ostatak ili tzv. Panj moje familije koja je u tom pogledu bila rigidna poznajem Kama Sutru samo iz teorijskih izvora,a čisto sumnjam da bi moje telo moglo uopšte da izvede neku od tih joga poza..Naročito sad kad me je kičma zakočila..Ali kako sam izvesno vreme provela u Indiji, te proučavala njihove spise a izmedju ostalog i skraćenu varijantu Kama Sutre u originalnoj verziji a ne glupavoj koju zamišljaju tzv. Zapadnjaci pod uticajem koke ili belog praška…To je isto kao ono kad čujem Hare Krišna, RAMAJANA, ili Brahma..Ili ti kad mi glupavi prodavac nameštaja kaže “ovo vam dodje po Feng Šui-u ovako” ili kad sve iole poznatije zvezdice pričaju o tome kako su sredile houme po ovom principu..Koješta.


 A sad kratak “introduction” iz sporne nam knjige; da se malo upoznamo.. Pozdrav Dharmi, Artha and Khama.. Na početku Bog svih Bića Brahma je kreirao čoveka I ženu u takvoj formi prema zapovestima u 101 poglavlju zapisanih pravila koji će regulisati njihovu egzistenciju u skladu sa Dharmom, Arthom I Kam-om. Suština Dharme, Arthe I Kame Čovek , koji živi stotinu godina, bi trebalo da praktkuje Dharmu, Arthu I Kamu u različitim vremenima da one mogu da se harmonizuju, a da se ne sukobljavaju ni na jedan način. Trebalo bi da započne sa učenjem u detinjstvu; u mladosti I u srednjem dobu bi trebalo da se uči u Arthi I u Kami; a u starim danima bi trebalo da živi u Dharmi, što opet podrazumeva da se drži Mokše , što bi značilo da se oslobodi od ponovne reinkarnacije. Dakle, zbog nestalnosti u životu , čovek bi trebalo da ih praktikuje u vremenu kad je zadovoljstvo uživati u njima. Ali trebalo bi naglasiti jednu stvar; on bi trebalo da vodi svoj život kao religiozni student sve dok ne završi sa svojim obrazovanjem. Dharma je pokoravanje pravilima koje dolaze iz Sutri ili Shatri ili Svetih Tekstova; o tome kako Indusi treba da rade izvesne stvari , kao što je prinošenje žrtve, koje se uglavnom ne izvode jer ne pripadaju ovom svetu, pa ne daju vidljive efekte; potom ne bi trebalo jesti meso što se ipak često radi jer pripada svetu živih, pa ima I vidljive efekte. Dharma bi trebalo da se uči iz Svetih spisa , Sutri i onih koje su kompatibilne sa njima. Artha je skup finih umetnosti, zemlje, zlata, stoke, bogatstva, I prijatelja. To je takodje zaštita od onog štoje pripadajuće, I uvećavanje onog što je već zaštićeno . Artha bi trebalo da se uči od kraljevih oficira i od trgovaca koji su naućili da barataju novcem. Kama je uživanje u odgovarajućim objektima uz pet čula: sluha, osećaja, vida, čula dodira, ukusa, mirisa koji su praćeni umom skupa sa dušom. Začin u kome je taj specifični kontakt izmedju organa senzibiliteta i njegovog objekta , i ta vrsta samosvesti o zadovoljstvu koja nastaje iz tog kontakta se zove KAMA . Kama bi trebalo da se izučava iz KAMA SUTRE (aforizam za ljubav) kao i iz prakse gradjana. Kad se spoje sva tri pojma skupa: Dharma, Artha i Kama, prethodni je uvek bolji od onog koji ga sledi; što znači da je Dharma bolja od Artha a ova opet od Kame…etc.Ali trebalo da se zna da će Artha biti praktikovana prvo uglavnom od strane kraljeva dok Kama uglavnom od svih ljudi tokom života. Na suprot , Kama se smatra profesijom javnih žena, koje bi trebalo da su sklonije prethodnim dvoma ali te žene se smatraju opet izuzecima od pravila. PRIMEDBA: Jedan učeni čovek je rekao da je Dharma povezana sa stvarima koje nisu od ovog sveta ; pa i Artha koja se može samo praktikovati primenom odredjenih principa i saznanja koje se stiču izučavanjem specifičnih knjiga.Ali Kama je nešto što je brutalni deo stvarnosti koji se svakodnevno ponavlja, pa se može svugde ukoreniti, bez obzira što neko ne bi hteo da se bavi time..:) ODGOVOR: To nije tako . Seksualni čin, budući da zavisi od žene i muškarca, zahteva odredjene-odgovarajuće misli od njih; dakle to podrazumeva da se to mora učiti iz Kama Sutre. Ne promenjivanje odgovarajućih misli..; što se može videti u brutalnim vidovima tj. Aplikacijama je prouzrokovano time što su one spontane. Kad su u pitanju muškarci koji su spremni na seks u odredjenim periodima života i od strane onih koji upražnjavaju sex samo po sebi bez učešća duha.. Onaj čovek koji praktikuje Dharmu, Arthu i Kamu uživa u sreći podjednako i na ovom i na onom svetu . Dobro izvodjenje ovih aktivnosti u čemu nema bojazni od toga šta će biti rezulat od toga u sledećem životu, i u čemu nema opasnosti je za dobrobit čoveka. Praktikovanje podjednako Dharme, Arthe i Kame se podrazumeva a ne samo jedne na uštrb druge, nanosi štetu čoveku. Čovek bi trebalo da se bavi izučavanjem Kama Sutre a takodje i umetnošću i naukama, u nameri da proučava nauke koje sadrže Dharma i Artha. Čak i mlade udavače bi trebalo da izučavaju Kama Sutru, skupa sa umetnostima i naukama, pre braka. A onda da nastave to da čine skupa sa svojim suprugom.Prema knjigama mladice, devojke bi mogle da izučavaju Kama Sutru ili bar deo od nje, pročavajući njeno praktikovanje od neke poverljive prijateljice. Dok bi sama trebalo da prouči u privatnosti 66 vežbi koji su deo Kama Sutre. Njen učitelj bi mogla da bude jedna od sledećih osoba: ćerka dadilje koja je već udata, prijateljica od poverenja, ili teka po majci, ili stara sluškinja, ili sestra, kojoj se uvek može verovati.
 Čovek u svetim naukama izučava da postoje nekolika vrsta ljubavi:
 1. Ljubav koja nastaje iz kontinuirane navike
 2. Ljubav kao rezultat imaginacije
 3. Ljubav koja nastaje iz verovanja
 4. Ljubav koja nastaje iz percepcije spoljnih objekata Vrste sjedinajavnja prema dimenzijama…
 Čovek se prema Kama Sutri deli na tri Klase: Na zeca, bika i konja prema veličini polnog organa. Žena prema dubini ili večini materice : na jelena, kobilu i slona.
  Prema ovoj podeli postoje tri ravnopravne ili podjednake seksualne veze koje odgovaraju prema dimenzijama i šest neravnopravnih/neodgovarajićih veza kad se ove mere ne slažu ili ukupno devet. Prema tabeli… Jednake:                                         Nejednake:
: Čovek     Žena :
ZEC         JELEN                                          ZEC         KOBILA
BIK          KOBILA                                     ZEC         SLON
KONJ        SLON                                         BIK         SLON
                                                                      BIK         JELEN
                                                                      KONJ     JELEN
                                                                      KONJ     KOBILA

Dakle, Kama Sutra je jedna od veoma ozbiljnih nauka a DRAGA Samanta ,lik iz Sex and City je samo tužna karikatura onog što su drevni Indusi poznavali. Prvo i osnovno to je bio drevni Istok, imali su vremena na pretek, bili su imućni kao i Sidarta dok nije odlučio da se prosvetli..treće , probajte da se savijete..i zapitajte da li zbilja volite svog partnera jer seks je prema Indusima kvalitetan ako onda..ima i duhovni smisao..A Kama Sutru pročitajte zbog opšteg obrazovanja a ne radi sexa..možda nešto i naučite..kao  i iz Mahabharate i Ramajane..sve je to drevna Indija..

To be continued...
N.B. [1] Dharma je prirodni zakon kao koncept prima facie u Indijskoj religiji i Filozofiji. Dharma usemerava i oblikuje  takvo ponašanje koje će se odraziti na postizanje prirodnog poretka u stvarima. Dharma podrazumeva odanost, dužnost, poštovanje relgijskih spisa, kao i veru. Dakle, sve što podrazumeva pravilan, čoveka dostojan život, korektan, kao valjano i pošteno ponašanje. Dharma je institucija prirodnog poretka (rta) i pravde, socijalne harmonije i sreće.
Artha podrazumeva zdravlje, i doborit.
Kama je ljubav, zadovoljstvo i seksualno uživanje.
Ove tri reči su interpetirane originalno a doslovno mogu značiti tehički definisani kao vrlina, bogastvo, i zadovoljstvo, a to su tri stvari koje se ponavljaju u zakonima Manua. 
[1] Mokša je pojam koji u indijskim religijama znači oslobadjanje iz večnog toka radjanja, umiranja, preporadjanja (samsara), dakle oslobadjanje od svekolike patnje i ograničenosti postajanja u svetu.

Twilight Metaphysic

TWILIGHT METAPHYSIC It is too late to late to teach my heart anything. The alphabet of suffering. I already know by heart. I test it live. Life knows more than Sybil. Time has to be stooped. What bliss is there flowing? Reality resembles a moth eaten sweater. THIS IS POETRY. Life limps like a crippled girl Who hopes to marry well? Even though her heart is scarred with memories. Biography of fire and water. These are the worthless and painful reserves With which one starts on a long, uncertain journey Over one’s own private homeland. On which every footsteps on in boots. Older than Cain is every suffering, Even this one which is lake a cousin from away Has come for three day visit And stayed, made herself comfortable, Took up all the room and says nothing about leaving! The time of miracles is behind us. Time of tower building. Heavenly and earthly gardens From schoolbooks and poems. The so called Greek luck awaits us Where we will never Arrive. Therefore if you can, Water the flowers and the heart From some pitcher. Time does not dry up! Now make steps quicker, as they say, Time swallows its own images As if they own its children. Get it through your head, throwing a blanket Over your face won’t to help you. Even if underneath it a dear body waits for you. No use stuffing wax in your ears either. The sirens song will be part of you scream. Those who born happy and less happy Die before own body dies. They wear their faces like other people clothes As in paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. The one who wrote the sky, the earth and the sea, And above all, snow and dreams, The phases of the moon the colour of leaves, our faces, Seems distant and could like North Pole. Don’t call that nihilism or blasphemy. With wrong syntax and bad diction Was how the world was created// So many apples of divisiveness Have been tossed between us, One of them will event your feet. Perhaps, just as you ver. brought in the harvest, Added – up the accounts, Thrown your hands over your head Chasing rings of smoke and reveries. Dead – born will be your wishes. You every hope will be a widow. And as for love, not enough To spread slice of bread. Anja



Apart from Kremna prophecy, a special phenomenon of Kremna village is a stone ball, of 1 meter diameter, which has a perfect circular shape. It is special as such balls are located at different parts of our planet, on almost all the continents. Many world scientists from different scientific fields have studies these balls , they gave assumptions about their origin and generation, but they all said they did not know the answers to the following questions : how were the balls formed, from where did they come and what do they mean?
It is really strange that in today’s age of going into space and knowing the tiniest components of substance, the science cannot give answers to many questions about normal, stone balls.
The ball was found in Kremna in its eastern part – a flat highland. It was examined through a magnifying glass, its small piece and it was stated that it consists of simple sand stone. One part of it was sent to the Serbian Academy of Science and Art for analyzing. Its scientists also confirmed that it was made of sandstone. That ball fell into pieces during the fire in the Prophet’s Home in 2005. Similar balls are located at Mt Jagostica near Priboj spa and at Mt Povlen, although of an irregular shape.
Stone balls of a regular, circular form were found in Mexico, Costarica, USA, Australia, Nepal, Kazahstan, even in Franc Joses’ land. The balls were also found on Crete and Caracaz(Georgia) in 1970.
Their size varies, starting from an orange size up to a ball which weighs ab.16 tons. Usually, their diameter is 1 meter and they are all perfectly circular and round. It was announced that after a mysterious flight of a space object over a Russian taiga territory on January 17, 2003, very small balls of non-earthly origin were discovered in the town of Dalnegotsk. Its is still not known if it was a meteorite or pieces of a UFO.
In the opinions of some scientists, these balls are 4000 years old, the others think 100,000 to 500,000 years.
The balls are usually located at flat earth surfaces, mainly highlands, but they are also found along rivers. They are arranged in the form of triangles, squares,circles and other regular shapes and it seems they are oriented towards east, west, south, north. Such groups are spread on tens of kilometers. Who placed them so, when and why?
Thousands of these balls were found along rivers or in the old cemetery in the valley of the Rio Tarabe river in the south west part of Costarica and on the island of Cano, 9 miles from the Pacific coast. Some of them are 50 miles away from the nearest stone excavation sites, if they originate from there? Even today, visitors to Costarica may see these balls at the national museum and in front of the houses of wealthier Costarican people.
Anatoly Garsits reports that the workers who were clearing a tropical jungle for making banana plantations in Central American republic of Costarica, found giant stone sculptures of circular shapes. The biggest of them weighed 16 tons. The smallest balls were not bigger than 10 cm in diameter.They all had a perfect round shape and were arranged in groups of 3 to 5 balls.
One such ball was found in 1970. in Guadalhara and was sent to the American University of New York state where it was cut and analyzed carefully. There were no traces of human material culture in them. Scientists, fully confident, stated that these balls were not made by humans, and the internal structure of the balls is very complex. There were found particles of a metal whose features have not been clarified yet.
From the point of geography, the balls were not formed by activities of natural, geomorphologic forces. Namely,the pieces of stones were not taken apart and carried by rivers, chipped and rounded as it is done with smaller pieces of rocks which are transformed in time into rounded pieces. And these rounded stones are usually of smaller sizes, smooth, but flattened in shape. In the river beds there has never been found a rounded stone of perfect circular form and diameter of 1m, nor that it weighs 16 tons! Not even in the past, with extremely high pluvimetric regimes, there were no such big rivers that could roll such big blocks and round them and give them a perfect circular shape. With a lot of competence we can claim that such big stone balls of fine, circular shape could not be made by the activities of natural, geo morphologic forces.
Some geologists say that the balls were created as a consequence of volcanoes in Central America, 25 to 40 million years ago. Lava and ash of the big volcanoes covered enormous territories. Glassy particles were expelled from the volcanoes and started to make circular objects later transformed into balls. But how is it possible to explain the formation of stone balls that are away thousands of kilometers from the volcanoes and even on other continents? And how is it possible that from chaotic volcano lava stone balls of regular circular form can be created? It is obvious that is a mere fantasy without objective scientific criteria and evidences.
A main assistant researcher in the Central Geologic Institute for research of rare metals, Ms Jelena Matvejeva says that the balls appeared on the Earth surface as the result of exfoliation i.e. pherroidal scaling of rocks. Really, it is not rare cases that the rounded rocks were formed by scaling of rocky layers, mainly of sand origin. But these forms are never of regular sphere- shape and diameter. There are clearly seen layers which are scaled and these balls are never balls of perfect rounded shape and with perfectly smooth surface.
The balls initiate human curiosity by their simple appearance, but inexplicably. And today’s man, searching spectacularly for the unknown, cannot calm down and feel incapable of explaining the formation and purpose of these balls. So, one is compelled to call for fantasy in this case. And fantasy is capable of explaining anything as it has no obstacles.
So, there was a belief spread out that the balls are the toys of gods or giants. It was believed that there were men of giant power capable of moving and carrying such balls. Really, in the Greek mythology there is one-eyed giant named Poliphem. Maybe, his successors are the Yettis on the Himalayas.But there are no evidences that such creatures existed nor had tools for making these balls.
The predecessors of the Indians, Inks and Mayas lived in 15th century. It is hard to believe that they could make so many balls without special tools, although the culture of these nations was rather developed. Is it possible that some other civilization, not known to the world of science, lived on the territory of Costarica? And who made the balls on other continents?
Intensive excavations of these balls revealed some unbelievable facts. First of all, on the places where the balls were excavated, there were no other objects found that had been hand-made, such as pots or decorations. So, the people had nothing to do with rocky balls.
As the balls were grouped in forms which remind of constellation of space objects, it was thought that they were astronomic observatories – a planetarium made by some other civilization. That hypothesis was the most popular one. Visitors from interplanetary spaces chose the places with balls as their spaceport, and the stone balls were the border lines for defining their course. Many researchers think that modern equipment which existed at that time was used for the balls and that one should wait fo0r years until the guest from other planets come again at the same places.
One of the researchers of this phenomenon, Valentin Glazkov,D.Ph. in biology, says that there are incredible stories about hundreds of these balls: that there are fields of some anomalies around the balls where electric units go crazy (they operate with disturbances), clocks stop functioning, and the behavior of live organisms become abnormal. The people visiting the places with the balls feel their heart beating faster, they have sleep disturbances and their memory lessens. There are also some other sensational reports: that the balls have been adjusted to special waves for emitting messages into space, people suffering for long from illnesses are cured by longer touching the balls, some people become very happy and relieved from tension, stress and troubles that had been torturing them for a long time. When some people expressed their wishes while touching the balls, the wishes came true. Many such places became real pilgrimage places visited by crowds of people.
Our expert Mina Minic examined the stone ball in Kremna with a plummet. The result is that if one touches the ball, it causes an increase of blood circulation. For fulfillment of wishes, one should place both hands on the ball, think intensively about a wish and breathe in three times intensively through a nose.
The phenomenon of the above balls have not been explained yet. Almost all the scientists of different specialties agree that it is not known who and when made the balls, what they were used for, how they were transported to distant places, why they were grouped in regular geometric shapes and how they were scattered all over the Earth.
It is a pity that Kremna ball fell apart in the arson in the Home of Prophet, so it can be seen only in fragments. Maybe there are some curing powers in it which have not been examined enough. Intuition made some people place their hands spontaneously onto the ball, waiting for curing. Apart from all the research efforts, the Nature is secretive stubbornly. Perhaps, the words of the famous Kremna prophets can be found there and they say that people will look for medicines for their diseases everywhere, and the medicines will be all around us."

Ph.D.Radovan Rsumovic..


Bohemian story..about

  "Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman." Virginia Woolf

Šta mislite da je lako živeti sa dijagnozom da imate neku od duševnih bolesti i da ste do kraja neizlečivi od toga. Šta mislite o tome da vas noću progone košmari i da umišljate da će vas jednog  dana zatvoriti u neku od takvih ustanova kao šugavog psa, kao gubavca..Dok čitam Silviju Plath i sve dubljem zalazim u to koliko je to bio jedan tihi bol, duhovni sve više se identifikujem sa njom i njenim strahovima jer sam i ja nailiazila na takav tretman. Pri tome nisu me zatvarali u duševnu bolnicu ili davali šok terapije ali kao i ona sam bila duboko neshvaćena i neprihvaćena.Verovatno nikad neću ni biti.. Neme šanse, ali kad bi iz mene negde duboko izašao taj krik mislim da bi dosegao do beskonačnih bezbrojnih galaksija..Možda bi htele te zvezde, ugašene planete, crne rupe i da me saslušaju o svemu onome što bih imala da ispričam, da kažem o onome što znam i ne znam, što samo nagadjam i predvidjam, što osećam i predvidjam. Možda ću i na leto otići duboko u šumu i poveriti drveću sve svoje ljubavne tajne, filozofske dileme, svoje padove i uspomene jer mi je potrebno da me neko sasluša. Očajnički mi je potreban slušalac, publika..neko ko će zbilja da me ozbiljno shvati..da više ne umišljam da je sav taj toliko rad bio uzaludan a ja sad mislim da jeste.Mislim da su stabla živa bića..koja dišu punim plućima..otvorena da te saslušaju i da će prenosti priču o meni od hrasta do breze od jele do bora od omorike do kleke od jasike do svakog krivog drveta u šumama. Da će me čuti šumski patuljci i vilenjaci i da će mi pomoći da uspem već jednom da se kroz vetar i šum lišća čuje moja reč..Da bih mogla da nastavim da živim..Da se ne bi dogodilo ono najgore kao I Silviji Plath; da gurnem glavu u šporet ..Bojim se da opet ne potegnem ruku na sebe, a to je ono što me poslednjih dana očajnički privlači jer ne mogu da radim kao što sam nekad..Ta teskoba i strah od budućnosti..me psihički ubijaju..taj zastoj u meni..Činjenica je da nisam ono što sam bila nakon Epy napada..me uništava..Eksplodiraću..želim nazad svoju slobodu, želim svoje duhovne galaksije..a bilo ih je mnogo...nemate pojma koliko......Ali život još uvek ide dalje..a ja ne želim da živim sama..

Dok slušam Queen toliko emocija pršti iz mene, sećam se rane mladosti i prve roken rol muzike koje sam slušala..do tada samo klasiku..Svirala sam klavir; kao ne baš neki talenta i živela neki svoj paralelni život van sveta mojih vršnjaka koji su slušali..The Wall..Ali desilo se..Mama mia let me goooJ Da Bohemian rapsody..Sad kad se setim kako je to bilo..Zaljubila sam se u Fredija..bio je gej; pa šta! Oni su zbilja bili nešto posebno..i danas najviše volim da slušam taj glas koji je otišao u večnost..

A ja sad razbijam glavu o zid..misleći..kako je to sve skupa jedna velika nepravda;  o tome kako najbolji odlaze..o tome kako najbolji nikad ne uspeju da dožive taj moment da  su priznati I kako najgori mediokriteti predstavljaju nešto..i nekoga…Paris Hilton..Da li j trebalo da se obesi Branko Miljković ili da se Džoplinka ubije sa predumišljajem..a bila je the best..kao što je the worst trash tzv. Barbika..

Trebalo je imati snage kao Margo Sackwile West; koja je preživela I proživela svoj život kao majka, ljubavnica, kreativac ali ona je bila ta koja je uništavala..Uostalom pročitajte Oralando Virdžinije Vulf..ili pisma Margo Trefjusis..Ovaj svet se deli na pobednike I pobedjenje ili gubitnike..

Možda sam zlja zbilja looser ali ipak me voli jedan čovek..i to je važno..jer ga volim ludo..a on je dovoljno lud da voli mene. Šta li je pronašao u ovakvoj ludači kao što sam ja..? Ali on je Teddy a ne Ted Hughes..koji je oterao na onaj svet Silviju kad joj je bilo najteže...