
Broken Heart

''Hurt Feelings'' of a rebuff -which suggest the physical nature of the emotional ache. Laughing and crying come spontaneosly  in primal moments of social connection - births and deaths, weedings and long deffered reunions. Distress at separation and joy at bounding both be speak the primal power of connection. When we are need closeness goes unmet, emotional disorders can result. So called ''SOCIAL DEPRESSION''.

Psychologist have coined the term ''social depression'' for the perception of the particular unhappines consed by troubled, threatened relationships. Social rejection - of fear of it = is one of the causes for the anxiety. 

Still when we hope to be YOU, being treated and IT, as we though we do not matter, carries a particularly harsh sting.

People who are self -absorded, best in their own inner world have litle choice but to project that sensibility whomever they perceive. 

So if we could we should try  to do it several things:
To harmonise those four terms:

If we could just to try it to accept our own personality at it is, another people how they are, to understand what we could change and what we could not...we will be in harmony with our self and with out side world..of people and order of words and things by Foucalt. 


Something about love and friendship

Something about love and expectations, the experience said so.

Particularly I have been upset about it because my friend Lady Sonja asked me about love:”By the way what is new in your love life?”- Well indeed, nothing new on West I answered to her. ‘But what is new on East?”- She insists. Curiosities kill the cat as Bretons use to say so moreover this curiosity kill my Sunday peace. I would like to answer to her as in Serbia people say:’ On the West nothing new, but on the East just old stories.’’ – But I did not/ I have told that my good jolly good Breton Abraham is just boring as most of people of his age and his profession as doctor in hospital in Cambridge. Once up on the time my fathers have asked me:’’For God sake, why do you not gone to be married with Abraham. He is calling you every day, sometimes help and actually he ask for your hand me!?’’ – My father has been outsider from my life almost 20 years, how could he ask me about such personal things. This is my life, live it me to run my life in peace, thought I; you just have not such right. Most of people thought that with me is something wrong when I abandon such opportunity in my age either they thought that my soul is Ice cube, loll! Colleagues talk behind me that I am Bitch, cold doctor Hannibal Lector, which care just for carrier. Honestly I have this music from movie about Doctor Hannibal; it is my favorite face with specific English pronouns of Antony Hopkins. When the lambs stop to cry – but just first part another movies are not so good like this first one! In some weird way I like his behavior, because know that most of us has such dream. Not exactly to eat liver of somebody but stupidity of people provoke you to imagine that you grab his heart and smash him while he is still alive. Did you know, that most of very educated people, hipper intellectual have such ideas in brain but they did not have courage to done such things but sometimes the doctors in hospitals after years and years of practicing began to hate all sick people and they simple kill people with meds. Most of doctors do not care for patients they just give prescriptions which could damage organism and in contradiction they kill very cool! Mostly the old people are main target. I know this on the most of the examples’.
But shall we speak about LOVE, WHAT IS JUST NOTION for my opinion like metaphysical question. For instance question like existence of God, freedom, eternity are just appositional as Kant says. You could not give categorical proof for them; either you could give nihilist answer. Bloody tautology, nothing is secure so you are in mess< just one choice which we have is it to believe in existence of Love, existence of superior Being as is it God , just to believe in eternity, coterie und coterie. Maybe some of you could think about me that I am nihilist as Niche who denies and criticize Christianity and Ethics of his contemporary Church! But in some séance he has right as Kant has given it proof for his famous Apria’s. He actually says that God, freedom, and immortality, although they could not been proved or disapproved, are necessary postulates of rational morality. Indeed they are since us reasonable human beings we should act by laws of Lord either 10 metaphysical orders. It is another is we rational; did you think that contemporary man is rational and is it his behavior absolutely by moral laws. I thought, honestly contemporary civilization is so far of it!? Man particularly speaking about his behavior in his relations with another people. You could meet; especially today; very small number of people who are following either respect Universal Laws so we have such situation that Equilibrium is lusted and mother earth is obviously disturbed with such selfishness’! So future is unpredictable.
Speaking about love between two people, male and female it is something like speaking about what we aspects from it! For instance, man and women are different physically, psychically and by years and years of time like Foucault says in his famous book History of sexuality the aspect of man and his brain and function of reason is so different from women’s brain. Influence of education and human’s aid in retrospective of centuries has been changed but the man and women are different in many aspects.
What we could say so about love. It also depended of culture and level of civilization of particular society but we are speaking about western civilization and role of female in contemporary time. We\should be blind, but we know that first role of women is to be mother, second to be good housekeeper,  third lady and just seducer for her husband, boy friend either partner. You should be very clever to understand what did you partner expects from you if you would like to keep good and successfully relationship if you find partner which you looking for. This is it for female’s goods; she must be very sophisticated and quiet (not literary sense) but in good moods’ of Vivendi. Always keep on mind that male should have his own space, his own time, his own friends even sometimes he should go where he just won’t without questions. Believe me it is better for female either women or sweetheart to live her partner in peace to run his life in freedom. Because the males are seekers, they always would like to keep them eternal freedom beside the wife, children, and daily duties! They just need space for action, which has some additional target either is just blowing on the wind. Bet let it be. Women would have an INNER peace and without misunderstanding if SHE fined mutual language and respect WITH HER PARTNER! Great expectations are wearing just empty hope which could be for sometimes not fulfilled and as human being women would be hurtled.  So take it or leave it but male have be by his nature leaded, HIS BRAIN IS of another structure from females so itch women could try to change cycle of the earth but she could not change the habit of male, either he love her. Maybe on the beginning everything is like in fairytale but after become something what we call fatigue. Especially if women does not have her own world that would destroy her, because she must have her life just for her! This so simple and equal but every women does not understand this, when she find her equal partner she thoughts this is one ideal circle but it is not. Everybody of us has his own habit and togetherness claim to fit one partner with another; in this case man and women. In my understanding this is love mutual understanding, equal relationship but respect for another partner which is without any kind of selfishness either great expectations. Just grab the beautiful moments in the love, let it them to pass and just wait with tranquility in soul for new moments. Why I thought such. Because life is not simple he is full of troubles, problems, lot of possibilities and different ways. Life is complex of many things and man and women could not be center of entire life of human being as it is on first sight family. People, women either man seeks for more, and tiredness and life in one space brought lot of challenges. Sometimes you could feel this negative atmosphere; sometimes she is so positive when you could make it. Love is not blind, but love is rich for women if she know to find right way to her man; but she must have always on mind that male is different he just need little more space than women. He could be a priest either mobster; two opposites; but remember the brain of man is different from women’s. Well indeed most of mans expects from woman to be lady on the street, seducer in bad, and good domestic wife. Most of women’s expects from man security, wealthiest, faithfulness, and care. Man could give everything but you should have to respect his needs if you seek for equal love as wife, sweetheart or partner! Equal freedom in temporary time means that everybody should take care about health speaking about sex! But in marriage we could not expect that your husband would not try another fruit. But it is very rare in this world for both sexes that in marriage they did not taste just one time fruit from another store, lol. So love is really metaphysic which brought to us happiness and tranquility on the stormy ways in life when we know that somebody has wait for us and think about as without possession. So Lady Sonja the answer is this:’’Maybe I have found such man now when I am mature, tranquil and different from my youth. Yes I am the women in love but without great expectations !
Anja with Love

When is more hard surface it's crazy to fail down:)))))))

Cutler and Gross..adorable

Mislila sam da se posvetim danas modi ali desile su se neke stvari u medjuvremenu a to je ono u fazonu sto ludje to tvrdje. Elem pala sam i skotrljala sam se skoro do same obale Dunava, samo mi je falilo kupanje u toj prljavoj baruštini od splavova. Ko mi je kriv što sam usput zevala u tekuće modne trendove odlazećeg leta, te lepe devojčurke i dečkiće i uopšte nisam obratila pažnju na sve zamke koje su bile na tom putu.Doduše pre polaska u šetnju pojela sam malo sladoleda i popila kafu jel da ne dobijem hipogliiemiju te bi mi se doca zabrinuo. Ovako sam zaglavila u H.P. (emergency help) te su hteli jos i da me zadrže ali ja sam sve to sa indignacijom odbila. Bolnica je horor, ali sam dobila bolovanje sa sve sedam dana mirovanja. Moram sutra samo da se javim G.P. u dispanzer..ili ti dom (ne)zdravlja.

My knee
Teddy se pokazao kao vitez te me je sakupio u Nadležnoj bolnici; pokušavajući da me ubedi da ostanem ali NEEEEEE. Onaj Debilni  neurolog me je pitao:“Jel ste vi to opet hteli da se ubijete?“Imala sam nameru da mu kažem, pa posle onog vašeg tretmana pre godinu dana možda i bih ali sad me je Bog spasao da ne padnem u reku, tj.mejdu splavove; čija je okolina puna fekalija, čitaj govana, djubreta, travuljine, otpada. Ne znam , gde je ta komunalna policija..Oh ....Sve će to platiti ovaj narod...Da sve, samo od koje kinte ne znam..Kad su nas iscedili kod koru od limuna i sad smo odbačeni limuni, limuntusi, grejpfruti, kore od banane, masa koja pretuta po kontajnerima.

Kad sam sa indignacijom odbila da ostanem u bolnici jer tamo mile bubašvabe i jer mi je tata umro tamo i jel su me tamo hranili na sondu posle moje anorexije..sasvim je za očekivati da sam odbegla na svoju odgovrnost...Oh da , bolnice su nam uzorne kao i sve državne institucije, samo poresko radi..A kad vam prepišu lekove onda ih i nema a kad vam neko posalje ne daju vam da primite.. Tako u prilogu ću da vam dostavim slike moje noge i mog kolena..

S obzirom da sam jako piss off na sve , izmedju ostalog i na mog službenog psihijatra koji bi trebalo da mi da licencu za rad a ne da se zevzečim po bolnici ko konsultant moram i njen lik da vam posaljem. Pa njoj Hanibal Lektor nije ravan, zbilja ima nekih problema.Ne to šeta dva vučjaka koji zilja liče na vukodlake ili zato što šeta mladjeg frajera već zato što me maltretira i pri tome nema nimalo emaptije.Priložiću i njenu fotografiju, e ona msili da ja bezveze izgledam??????????? To što je Teddy zalio prošle godine rekavši da je običan zanatlija kad je počela sa njim da flertuje na moje oči, sic, nisam ljubomorna..; gadno joj je povredilo sujetu. Tako da mi nikako ne odobarva kontakt sa pacijentima; osim ambulantno..A koji devijantni tipovi rade u psihijatriji, pa većina njih može da bude pacijent. Da vidite one sa odeljenja F...njao..Ali moja doktorka je smor...koja još umišlja da je zgodna riba..pussy cat...One daz I will kill her as mocking bird.....

To što ja sa pokušavam da pogledam sa filozofske strane gledišta kao onaj filozof što je upao u skeptičku jamu pa mu se robinja smejala, ne pali..Koleno me boli, gležanj, ugruvana sam, boli me glava..

Ali pouzdano Vam tvrdim ne bih pokušala da se ubijam na tako tragikomičan način, u govnima, plitkoj vodi i sličnom..Pala sam u nesvest, gledajući od zavisti kakve Fashion coiture imaju sve te ženske od naočara do nogu a ja siroti mali Hrčak ne mogu da zaradim ni za bar jedne Mi Miu cipele ili mantil Burberry sledeće sezone..Joj..sve me boli..............

Miu Miu..shoes
My twisted ancle
Barberi mantil i to crveni:::::::::::)))))))
My psychiatrist..



A WOMAN WHO HAS LAID HER LAP TOP, HER PSCYCHIATRIST AND AS FAR THE REST OF THE WORLD...But she could not to do it just one thing…?! :)

Well this women was a such perfection on first sight, charming, with manners of one lady, good locking, *wow with very good shaped body, green eyes, white skinned, tinny, as fragile vase from porcelain. If I could remember the people use to talk about her that she has been very educated as some scholar but I would add that she was very odd actually turn up that she is little bit out of her sane mind. Insanity type of women, with changeable behavior, for sometimes very communicative, for sometimes very alienated as personality.

If I want to be honest with you, it is truth that she has been very educated as some sophist either eclectic but this women with her odd attitude could not either wont to have some utility from all this knowledge. She members me on June Barnes, American novelist, news paper reporter from Paris who has lived in Paris after WWI, most stormy  time on the field of culture, art, politics ..Etc. But I another sense this women have something like Orlando, from famous novel of Virginia Wolf. With lot of faces, moods, for sometimes she has burst out with energy as restless kitten as far being, either totally not interested as passive doll. In such moments you could even kill her because she was out of her body; but not meditating like in one stupid movie with anorexic star Julia Roberts: Eat, Pray, Love. Think so; she was hermetically imprisoned in her own world.

If somebody try it to invite her on coffee, tea, lunch, dance, date she have habit to say so:’ Sorry I am not available for time being.’’ Always, good polite excuse, with some step backwards. While is time passing, but her face still was face of Dorian Gray; maybe she have it one hidden portrait in her home, who knows; people stop to invite her on coffee, parties, birthdays, dates, just because she would not come. Moreover no body from society likes such behavior it looks like disparagement, indifference for society, communication or conceit, to snobbish. Naturally that such oneness as exclusiveness was out of popularity not appreciable for people but she gives not a dame for it. She just not care what people really think about her, particularly some of people.

It is certainly for the years she has developed calmness, detachment as sort of phlegmatic on all what is so commonly too human. If I could add that she has been turn to her own world in her own house of human being, known just to her. How it really locks to run life in the world of bracken mirrors and twisted spheres as in Magritte’s paintings either Lewis Carol novels, nobody knows just her. So she has been big liar: she has laid her lap top, psychiatrist, colleagues, quittances. Maybe she would say if she wants honestly: ‘Why I should have to talk with people when they could hurt me? Nobody knows how is hard to be alone, frighten, fragile, sensitive. Actually nobody listen me, he just listen his own voice, or on the others bottom the hundred whips is nothing. Why should I have to waste my time and words beyond is necessary?’’ So as she was polite, good locking, you could think for her that she is very satisfied with herself, self confident, stabile personality. But it was just some kind of Margret’s images as this is a for instance:’’The Mask of Lighting’’ but it was not, it was on the contrary:’’ Just False Image’’.
But these women could not lie on this world one person: ‘Her lover…