
Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Remembrance - DeepDyve

Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Remembrance - DeepDyve

Human all too human - Martin Heidegger

Heidegger and Hannah by the Clement Catherine

Allemagne, 1975 : deux femmes au soir de leur vie se retrouvent au chevet d'un vieil homme, après avoir lutté cinquante ans pour occuper la première place dans son cœur.

Tandis que dans la pièce voisine somnole, hanté par ses cauchemars, le plus grand esprit de son siècle, les deux ennemies font une trêve : duel de deux mémoires à fleuret moucheté, temps suspendu des réminiscences et des rêves perdus. Martin et Hannah : il était professeur, elle était son élève ; près de vingt ans les séparent, le philosophe génial consumé par son " escapade " nazie et l'intellectuelle juive brûlée par sa lucidité.
Mais pendant cinquante ans, leur passion les tient. Elfride et Martin : la mère de famille et le grand homme, la bourgeoise et le forgeur de concepts, la soumise et le tyran. Mais leur couple est indéfectible. Hannah et Elfride : l'amante apatride et l'épouse allemande, la trépidante aux semelles de vent et la conjugale enracinée, la chair qui brûle et la terre qui soigne, l'effraction de l'instant et la force de la durée...
Leur rivalité est sans fin, et chacune autorise obscurément l'amour pour l'autre. Martin, Hannah, Elfride : dans cette vaste partition, chacun a son thème, et chacun détient un peu de la mémoire de l'autre. Mais cette fugue à trois voix est d'abord frappée du sceau de la plus grande tragédie du siècle : parce que Martin est Heidegger, et Hannah, Arendt. Catherine Clément remonte ici aux deux principales sources de son talent romanesque : la fresque au clair-obscur des amours interdites (après La Senora, Pour l'amour de l'Inde et La Valse inachevée) et la geste philosophique transfigurée par la fiction (après La Putain du diable et Le Voyage de Théo). 

jHannah Arendt - Martin Heidegger, 
a love beyond history 
by Antonio Sánchez García  
I confess my bewilderment fascination never surpassed by that love of the Jewish thinker to the philosopher of Being and Time . Regarding the universe of ideas, first. Regarding the specific behavior under the circumstances, second. Regarding the immediate scope of pure affection, third. It's true: Heidegger represented in this second half of the 20 that are developing the agency relationship Freud's love for his master's Arendt possibly the summit of philosophical German. Husserl's disciple and successor - his son phenomenological , called his wife to introduce him to the philosopher Husserl Karl Jaspers - had been the phenomenology of Husserl to its most extreme development and made ​​a passion for thinking an attractive and almost magical fascination. Living flame of passion that were capable of spiritual awakening in their true lights philosophical seminars, must have exercised a fascination irresistible. And when Hannah Arendt succumbed to them, was only one awake, restless, curious and ignorant girl of 18 years.

            But to plunge into a whirlpool of pure intellectual thought, or pure thought, had to be absolutely without any reference to the historical real. For Heidegger, also rejected the impurities incorporation, substantial and distinctive and its packaging smuggled conceptual transcendental determination under distilled form, abstract, pure, absolutely empty of specific content. The entire concrete historical realization purified and reduced to pure concept. An alchemy of abracadabra which relocated in the center of the concern the SER, an absolute distillation inanimate, easily reducible to the Fuhrer, as in effect ended the Heideggerian thought by postulating the required obedience to the Führer as High epistemology. There was no waiting to registration of the philosopher in the NSDAP, Hitler's party to check their adherence to National Socialism. Had to place their existential determinations under the bloody confrontation between democracy and dictatorship that lived daily in the cities, towns and villages in Germany, under bloody battles between Socialists, Communists and Nazis. When the relationship blossoms between the university just out of adolescence and Professor freshman to maturity and Nazism shows its claws and its dark shadow pogrom. Rosa Luxemburg, the Polish-Jewish soldier, was killed six years ago, in 1919. The shock of the brewery had just staged in Munich. I was about to see the light of Mein Kampf, the Bible of Nazism. Not coming to Marburg poisonous effluvia of those events?

            Whatever it is: under what the French call a "coup de foudre" Hannah Arendt fell at the feet of the master. The infatuated imagine, her black eyes blazing and questioning of dedication, her parted lips. As the facts. Soon after, on a hike through the woods near the university, was made ​​woman in the arms of a man well aware of that love was fate: "I still have to go see it tonight and speak to the heart" - he writes the first letter that there is knowledge, written on November 10, 1925. "Everything should be plain and clear and pure among us. Only then will we be worthy of meeting. The fact that you would become my student and I, your teacher is just the beginning of what happened to us. "" Whatever happened to them, "that is falling into each other's arms, is a linguistic detour to express perfectly nominees, but carefully avoids mentioning Heidegger, in a task of darkening that would become the most distinguished teachers. So the key concept of his philosophy was the Greek aletheia , unveiling. But immediately put things in place in a far more brutal: "I can never possess it, but you now belong to my life, and this will grow for you." I said in rodeos philosophical depth that was apparent a married man and was not willing to give up his wife, a midwife grumpy and resentful of such a relationship, obviously.

            The correspondence of the early days of "unveiling" a loving portrait of Heidegger fascinated by the vital, passionate and vibrant girl. Truly in love. If we have the testimony of what happened to Hannah's own, is because the teacher felt that his letters were never fall under the gaze of prying eyes reckless and destroyed and there were no copies. So the elegiac string of lamentations, tears and other corny love truly unbearable own those who have lost their ability to object before the blindness of Cupid - "when the storm rages around the cabin, I think in our" storm "or" no was the flower of the rose, and the brook transparent, and heat of the sun on the fields, nor the roar of the storm, or the silence of the mountains "or" I can only mourn, mourn, "ETC. etc. etc. - Three-quarters belong to the apocalyptic prophet of the Black Forest. Healthy and good and nothing to reproach, that the lovers were exceptional beings, perfectly emancipated owners do with their lives what they so desired. Even accepting the humiliation of secret meetings and secret alcove.

            But in the meantime the Germanic monster awakened from its slumber for millennia and was dropped with a ferocity worthy of the Nibelungs about the German Democratic opposition, becoming first a communist, socialist and democratic Catholics in prison and meat hanging neck.And then the German Jews in order billionaire crematorium. Jaspers, the silent witness of this particular affair was surprised by the malignancy that would hide the demonic genius of the master. And with the blatant and public philosopher conversion to National claims it for its manifest commitment to be as reprehensible as Hitler. "I believe that a man like Hitler so unprepared able to govern Germany?" He asks indignantly. The response of German existentialist has happened to the unforgettable story of infamy: "Culture does not matter. Look at his wonderful hands. "

            A real flood of historical studies of all kinds and value has come to see that this outrage was not confined to the weakness beautician by the diminutive female monster's hands. It resulted in a servile behavior, repressive and ominous against Jewish students and teachers.Beginning with his teacher Husserl, whose name was crossed out the dedication of Being and Time when the rise of the Third Reich.

            None of this prevented the fascination continued thrusting his claws into the flesh of lovemaking that had already become famous writing one of the major works of the Century: The Origins of Totalitarianism . Over long periods of silence, the initial passion to sprout again, now restrained by the age of old lovers, sharing hours of amenity, drinking tea and eating cookies baked Elfride, the wife of the triangle, tolerant in his old age with a history that overflowed.

            One does not understand that eternal passion of a woman to be clarified by a politically and intellectually disreputable. Thirty-five years after that harrowing first encounter came the German version of which can be considered the most important philosophical work of Jewish thinkers , the human condition . In a note sent home on a visit to Freiburg, he claims in his infinite subtlety not being able to dedicate it to him, "because things were not clear between us."He then wrote the following inscription, which failed to send: "The dedication of this book has been left out. I dedicate it to you, the strongest, who have remained faithful and unfaithful, but love. "

            An unfathomable mystery that love between two people so diametrically opposed in their political and existential. Indeed, it is not able to overcome the embarrassment.
  Article originally published in the newspaper El Nacional

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            None of this prevented the fascination continued thrusting his claws into the flesh of lovemaking that had already become famous writing one of the major works of the Century: The Origins of Totalitarianism . Over long periods of silence, the initial passion to sprout again, now restrained by the age of old lovers, sharing hours of amenity, drinking tea and eating cookies baked Elfride, the wife of the triangle, tolerant in his old age with a history that overflowed.

            One does not understand that eternal passion of a woman to be clarified by a politically and intellectually disreputable. Thirty-five years after that harrowing first encounter came the German version of which can be considered the most important philosophical work of Jewish thinkers , the human condition . In a note sent home on a visit to Freiburg, he claims in his infinite subtlety not being able to dedicate it to him, "because things were not clear between us."He then wrote the following inscription, which failed to send: "The dedication of this book has been left out. I dedicate it to you, the strongest, who have remained faithful and unfaithful, but love. "

            An unfathomable mystery that love between two people so diametrically opposed in their political and existential. Indeed, it is not able to overcome the embarrassmentć 

  Article originally published in the newspaper El Nacional

 U BEOGRADU je izdavačka kuća Albatros objavila knjigu o jednoj ljubavi:Hane Arent i Martina Hajdegera. Krajnje neobična ljubavna veza izmedju idejnog tvorca nacional socijalizma i jedne Jevrejke pokazuje da je i takva ljubav moguća. Mnogo mastila je prosuto po papiru na tu temu i objavljena je njihova ljubavna prepiska. Uglavnom sedamnest godina stariji profesor osvojio je svoju studentkinju ; verovatno ne svojim šarmom već moćnom intiligencijom pa i filozofijom fenomenologije. Ali kako to biva Hajdeger je bio srećno oženjen čovek sa Švabicom, izrazito nacistički nastrojenom; za koju neki branioci Hajdegera kažu da ga je ona odgurnula u nacijal socijalizam. Ova knjiga pokazuje dve tako česte osobine u muškaraca a to je prisustvo: sa jedne strane domaćice i majke koja gleda na njegov dom i žene’ ljubavnice koja mu se intelektualno divi. Docnije će se pokazati da ga Hana Arent nije sledila u njenoj filozofiji i da je emotivno bilo veoma vezana za svog supruga.  U filozofiji važi za jednog od najvećih kritičara totalizma XX veka.

Ali da se nakon rata dvadesetogodišnje ćutanje  izmedju bivših ljubanvika prekinulo; te da su osećanja prevagnula što je tako retko u filozofa. Ili je to možda ipak bila samilost kod Hane Arent..Niko na to pitanje neće znati da odgovori..

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